Welcome to Sabre Explorer Scout Unit & D of E
If you join D of E @ Sabre ESU you get much more then just D of E, you have access to all the Sabre activity’s too.
To be able to partake in D of E activity’s with us at Sabre you will need to become a member of The Scouts and take the promise. Scouting is one of the largest youth organisations in the world currently running in 216 country’s, this can open doors to global opportunity’s and adventures.
The Cost
There are subscriptions to pay as we are a charity with no outside financial support, so we have to generate all our running costs from Subscriptions and fundraising. (Each scout group is an independent charity, in a seance we are a franchise of the Scout Association)
Currently the cost is £145 per year split into 3 payments of £65, £40 & £40, the higher payment includes the Capitation fee to The Scout Association for insurance etc, the rest goes towards running costs of the building, equipment, leader training, administration, etc. (Depending on when you join will depend on where you start paying the subscription).
There are extra costs for camps and expeditions etc, however you are very welcome to fund raise towards the cost of them.
Scouting will use your details to contact you with information relevant to your Scouting.
Third Parties
At times it is necessary to use third party’s outside of the scouting movement to run activities or put on trips, where young people’s details will need to be disclosed to these companies. (Such as booking an aircraft or an adventurous activity where they will need to know names, ages etc.) You will be notified on each booking form if this is the case.
The Scout Association will not transfer or sell your personal details to any third party organisations without your consent unless it is required by law.
Data Protection
As a registered data controller, The Scout Association is committed to the Data Principles of the General Data Protection Regulation 2018.
By signing up with the link below, I/We give explicit consent to The Scout Association during and beyond my child’s involvement with the organisation:
- Retaining personal data to facilitate any present or potential future involvement with scouting.
- Retaining personal data regarding to religion, special needs/disability, ethnicity, medical information and/or commission of offenders or alleged offences.
- Allowing access to personal data to appropriate individuals within the hierarchy of scouting
- Storing the details provided on Online Scout Manager which is a 3rd party management system.
Click HERE If you wish to join the Explorers to do the D of E Programme.